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Depending on the job we send 1 to 3 cleaners. Now if you have preferences or special needs, please let us know.

We do have a 48 hours cancellation policy. $70 fee may apply if you don’t respect that policy. We work really hard to make good cleaners available, so if we want to keep them around we need to pay even if the work doesn’t happen.

100% of the tip amount goes to cleaners. Feel free to give that to them directly cash.

We don’t do anything outside the home. When there is roaches, feces or blood the cleaning will be canceled and the cancellation fees may apply.

We provide our own cleaning supplies and equipment for every job we perform. Our cleaners wide range of cleaning products at no extra cost. Now if you have special requirements or special products you want the professional to use, just provide it. Also tell them how to use is. We won’t be hold accountable for damages done with your products.

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